How to create a podcast in 5 easy steps

You want to start podcasting. You should know that this is a very good idea. Indeed, this form of audio storytelling is becoming more and more popular. However, many creators…

You want to start podcasting. You should know that this is a very good idea. Indeed, this form of audio storytelling is becoming more and more popular. However, many creators offer this type of content. If you want to stand out, you will have to use the right strategies and produce quality. In this article, we present 5 simple steps to create a podcast.

Establish your editorial line

The first step in this process is to define your editorial line. It is indeed to think first of all about the theme you want to address. Based on this theme, you will determine the aspects to be covered in each episode. Make sure that each episode of the editorial line relates to your general theme.

Similarly, you need to be original enough and produce unique content. To do this, you can conduct a mini competitive analysis. This will allow you to see what is being done and thus adopt a new angle. In addition, you must also determine at this stage, the type of podcast you want to make. There are several:

  • Interview podcasts;
  • Solo podcasts;
  • Talk show podcasts.

After that, think about the branding of your podcast. A simple name, attractive graphics to promote your podcast.

Prepare the recording

At this stage, you need to record the script of the first episode of your editorial line. In order for your presentation to be consistent, it’s important to have an outline. You can improvise, but make sure you are on topic. As far as tools go, here’s what’s recommended to use:

  • A USB microphone connected to the computer to get good sound;
  • A headset to avoid echoes;
  • Your computer.

You can test your tools before recording.

Record and edit the podcast

At this stage, it is time to make the first recording of your podcast. To do this, you must use audio software adapted to this. There are several audio software that you can use such as :

  • Audacity ;
  • Adobe Audition ;

Be sure to check the frequencies of your editing and adjust them if necessary. After that, you can make some adjustments like :

  • Change the order of the sequences ;
  • Remove some parts;
  • Adding music.

Don’t forget that people will be more interested in dynamic content.

Host your podcast

Once the podcast has been edited, you must now host it on a suitable server. You can use Blubrry and libsyn. After hosting, you must now submit your podcast to platforms. This allows you to be listed as an iTunes podcast or Spotify podcast.

However, to submit your podcast, you must put it in the form of a visual miniature square format. This format can be done on canva.

Promote your podcast

The last step in this process is to promote your podcast. It is to make it visible through publications on social networks. Ask your audience to relay the information with you to reach a large number.

These are the steps to follow to create an original podcast loved by Internet users.

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