What are the best games to play for stress relief?

What are the best games to play for stress relief?

Stress is a common issue that can affect anyone, anywhere, and at any time. While some stress can be beneficial, chronic stress can lead to several physical and mental health…

Stress is a common issue that can affect anyone, anywhere, and at any time. While some stress can be beneficial, chronic stress can lead to several physical and mental health problems, including anxiety, depression, and cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, it is essential to find effective ways to relieve stress. One such way is through playing games. In this article, we will explore some of the best games to play for stress relief and explain why they are effective.

Puzzle Games

Puzzle games are an excellent choice for individuals looking to relax and unwind. They require concentration and focus, which can help shift your mind away from stressors. The repetitive nature of puzzle games, such as Tetris, Candy Crush, or Bejeweled, can also have a calming effect on the mind. Studies have shown that playing puzzle games can help reduce anxiety, promote relaxation, and increase dopamine levels, a neurotransmitter that regulates mood and motivation.

Simulation Games

Simulation games, such as The Sims, Animal Crossing, or Rollercoaster Tycoon, allow players to escape reality and immerse themselves in a different world. These games promote creativity and allow players to engage in activities that they may not be able to do in real life. Simulation games can help reduce stress levels by providing a sense of control and predictability, which can be comforting during times of stress. They can also promote problem-solving skills, decision-making, and planning, which can help individuals manage stress more effectively.

Adventure Games

Adventure games, such as Legend of Zelda, Uncharted, or Tomb Raider, provide an escape from reality and allow players to go on exciting quests and adventures. The immersive nature of adventure games can help reduce stress levels by providing a distraction from real-life stressors. The excitement and sense of accomplishment from completing challenging levels or defeating bosses can also promote positive emotions and reduce stress. Studies have shown that playing adventure games can improve mood, self-esteem, and cognitive flexibility, which is the ability to switch between different tasks or ideas.

Sports Games

Sports games, such as FIFA, NBA 2K, or Madden NFL, can provide a healthy outlet for stress relief. Engaging in virtual sports can promote physical activity and provide a sense of competition and accomplishment. Sports games can also help reduce stress by allowing players to escape reality and focus on a fun and engaging activity. They can also promote teamwork, communication, and goal-setting, which are all essential skills for stress management.

Mindfulness Games

Mindfulness games, such as Headspace, Calm, or Breathe, promote relaxation and stress reduction by providing guided meditation and relaxation techniques. These games help players focus on the present moment and reduce negative thoughts and emotions. Mindfulness games can be especially helpful for individuals with high levels of stress and anxiety. They can also improve self-awareness, emotional regulation, and resilience, which are crucial skills for stress management.

Additional Benefits of Playing Games for Stress Relief

While we have discussed some of the best games to play for stress relief, there are several other benefits that playing games can provide.

Improving Social Connections

Playing games can be a social activity, promoting social connections and reducing feelings of loneliness and isolation. Multiplayer games, such as Minecraft, Fortnite, or Among Us, can provide an opportunity to engage in cooperative or competitive gameplay with friends or family members, promoting positive social interactions.

Boosting Creativity

Playing games can also boost creativity and promote innovative thinking. Games that allow players to create or design, such as Minecraft or LittleBigPlanet, can provide a creative outlet for individuals looking to relieve stress and engage in a fun and rewarding activity.

Enhancing Learning

Games can also enhance learning by promoting cognitive skills, such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and decision-making. Educational games, such as Brain Age or Math Blaster, can provide an opportunity to learn while engaging in a fun and interactive activity.

Providing a Sense of Accomplishment

Playing games can provide a sense of accomplishment, promoting positive emotions and self-esteem. Completing challenging levels, achieving high scores, or unlocking achievements can provide a sense of progress and achievement, promoting a sense of well-being and motivation.

Offering a Temporary Escape

Lastly, playing games can offer a temporary escape from real-life stressors. They can provide a mental break from work, family, or other responsibilities, allowing individuals to recharge and return to their tasks with renewed focus and energy. Games can also provide a sense of control and predictability, which can be comforting during times of stress and uncertainty.


Playing games can be an effective way to reduce stress levels and improve overall well-being. Different types of games, such as puzzle games, simulation games, adventure games, sports games, and mindfulness games, can provide unique benefits for stress relief. By incorporating games into your daily routine, you can create a healthy and fun way to relieve stress and promote positive emotions. However, it is essential to remember that excessive gaming can have negative effects on mental health, such as addiction, poor sleep, and social isolation. Therefore, it is important to engage in gaming activities in moderation and to prioritize healthy habits for overall well-being.


1. Can playing games really help reduce stress?

Yes, playing games can be an effective way to reduce stress levels. Games provide a healthy and engaging way to distract the mind from stressors and promote positive emotions.

2. What type of game is best for stress relief?

Different types of games can provide unique benefits for stress relief. Puzzle games, simulation games, adventure games, sports games, and mindfulness games are all excellent choices for stress relief.

3. Can excessive gaming have negative effects on mental health?

Yes, excessive gaming can have negative effects on mental health, such as addiction, poor sleep, and social isolation. Therefore, it is important to engage in gaming activities in moderation and to prioritize healthy habits for overall well-being.

4. Can playing games improve cognitive skills?

Yes, playing games can improve cognitive skills, such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and decision-making. Educational games, in particular, can provide an opportunity to learn while engaging in a fun and interactive activity.

5. What are some healthy habits to prioritize while gaming?

Some healthy habits to prioritize while gaming include taking breaks, staying hydrated, maintaining good posture, practicing good sleep habits, and engaging in other physical activities. It is also essential to set boundaries and limits on gaming time and to engage in a variety of activities for overall well-being.

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